a- There are 4 ways to detangle your hair without causing any damage

Detangling hair is a very important part in the hair care process. It helps reduce the

tension between the hairs. It is also a quick fix when you are out and have no time.

Detangling sprays can be used on both dry and damp hair. For the hair that has just

been taken down after the braids, it plays and important role in the sense that it

makes it easy to comb and prevent hair lost. The sprays contain ingredients like

Shea butter, essential oils, and vitamins to soften your hair so that detangling

becomes easy.

1- Part your hair in small sections and spray from the root to the end.

The process of detangling the hair is very important, for it makes it easier to get an

effective result.

First of all, part the hair into small sections and spray each section with the detangler

Sectioning the hair helps create a visual idea and allows you to navigate freely. It also

helps in creating consistent balance throughout the detangling process.

2- Gently massage your hair follicles so that the detangler can effectively penetrate the


Massaging your hair is very important. When you finish applying the detangler on the hair.

Massage it immediately so that it can soften the hair strand. This process can take 3 to 5 minutes

depending on how tangled the hair was. For those with the dread locks, it can take up to 30

minutes and sometimes even longer. When it’s fully applied, let it sit for up to 3 minutes so that

it can moist.

When massaging, beware! Do not rub the scalp, make sure that your action is limited on

the hair and not the scalp, because some products have a heavy concentration of chemicals, thus

excessive contact with the scalp can cause burning or other reactions.

3- Use a wide-tooth comb.

Combing your hair is the most important step in the hair care routine. It helps distribute the natural oils,

improves blood flow, promotes hair growth, cleans the natural residue, minimizes strand breakage,

and gives you a fresh look afterward. The choice of comb is also important. It is advisable to use a

wide tooth comb because it improves the health of your hair, the health of your scalp and gives it a good

appearance. It uses gentle motion to remove tangle and smoothes the hair. Because of the space

between the teeth, it alleviate the pain and makes the process gentler. Compared to the fine tooth

comb that gives you the impression of fighting, and can cause hair breakage.

4- Start at the ends.

To have an effective result, it’s good to follow the direction. Start combing your hair

from the ends to the roots in order to prevent breakage. If you go the other way around,

(from the root to the ends), by the time you get to the ends, the hair will more likely get

stock and will be very detrimental. However, starting from the ends creates a smooth

motion and by the time you finish, it will be a no brainer.

After you are done with the detangling phase, the next step is to shampoo the hair.

II. Shampoo

Hair shampooing is a cosmetic method that consists of using a shampoo to wash and

rinse the hair so that it can be clean and look fresh. Now, the question is, how to wash

your hair?

There are 4 easy steps to effectively shampoo your hair and get a good result.

1) Choose the right shampoo

The first thing to do is to ensure that you choose the right shampoo. Failing to make

the right choice when it comes to shampoo can result into hair damage.

2) Get the hair wet.

Wetting the hair is a preamble to washing it. It is the preparation stage. It lays that

foundation and allows the hair to absorb the shampoo and easily synchronize with it.

To do so, open the water and let it run through your hair for about 1 minute or 2,

depending on the density of the hair. After that, use your fingers to gently rub it and

make sure that the whole of your hair is sucking wet.

Then apply the shampoo as needed. You need to know the amount of shampoo

that your hair needs in order to achieve the result that you seek. For instance. It you

apply too much it might take you forever to get it all out, if you apply too small, it

might not be clean as you wanted.

You might want to place a small chunk in your palm and apply and keep

repeating the same routine till you feel that you have it applied in all the surface.

3) Distribute the shampoo

After the application of the shampoo, the next step is to gently rub the hair strand

thoroughly to ensure that it is evenly distributed in all the hair surface. Use your 10

fingers to scrub to get a good result. It can take up to 3 minutes.

Be mindful of the fact that the scalp is very sensitive. Do not use your nails when

you scrub it, because it might cause irritations or lead to infections.

4) Rinse it

The last step is to rinse the hair. It is recommended to pay a great deal of attention

when you rinse your hair. Most people do not do it properly. A good rinse takes 2 to 3

minutes depending on the amount of shampoo that was used, and how thick the hair

is. To make sure to remove all the shampoo from your hair, because failure to do so

might result into build up on the scalp.

It is recommended to use cold water to rinse for those who have dry hair, so that it

stays healthier and stronger.

There is more into washing hair than just pouring water on it.

III. Conditioner

There are 4 easy ways to use the conditioner. Just like shampooing, conditioning

hair is very important, it happens immediately after you rinse off the shampoo.

Choosing the right conditioner is even better. Conditioner smooths the hair

cuticle and adds body. Avoiding conditioner makes your hair more prone to

breakage, which can lead to the appearance of thinning hair. It has a protective

coating that refortifies the cuticles.

Conditioning also helps to improve the texture of the hair. Its purpose is

to hydrate and replenish your hair to make it softer. It also reduces friction

between your strands of hair and makes it easier for you to brush it after the

hair wash. That being said,

1) Choose the right conditioner. A conditioner is a hair care product that is

used immediately after shampoo.

2) Apply it to your hair and comb it to distribute it evenly all over the hair

shaft. Make sure that you only apply it to the length of your hair. Once

all the hair shaft is cover, use a wide tooth comb to comb your hair so

that the product can be distributed to all the hair surface. Do this for

about 2 to 3 minutes to have a good result. The goal here is to smoothen

the hair and prevent breakage.

3) Finally rinse it. Make sure to you rinse it thoroughly to remove all the

condition on your hair. A good rinse should take about 2 to 3 minutes.

4) Once you finish with the rinse, use cotton towel to absorb the water from

your hair.

IV. 4 Good Reasons Why You Should Oil Your Hair

Most of the time, most hair problems that people experience come from the scalp.

Just like everything else need to be nourished, our hair does as well, and for that

reason, oil is very essential for our hair. It is advisable to oil your hair regularly.

Here are the reasons why.

1) Hydration of the scalp

Hair scalp needs to be hydrated on the regular basis. The scalp is the

foundation of the hair. If it is well taken care of, the hair will feel the effect.

Therefore, it is good to oil the scalp at least 3 to 4 time a week. It keeps it

moisturized, hydrated and protects it from itching. Furthermore, a well-oiled

hair prevent hair breakage and gives it a perfect glow as a result.

2) oil stimulate hair growth

You cannot rely on just shampoo and conditioner alone to grow your hair.

The nourishment of the hair goes deep and the improvement of it quality.

Growth and fullness depends of how often it is oily nourished. The often you

oil the hair, the more it grows. It also reduces the friskiness and prevent


3) Strengthening of hair

Oiling hair adds the extra coating layer of protection that it needs for it

strength. It is also beneficial to massage the hair when oiling it so that the oil

can penetrate deep in the root. When properly done, hair grows fuller and


4) Dandruffs

One of the reasons why dandruffs build up on the scalp is due to the dryness

of the scalp. So, one of the most effective ways to prevent it is to oil the hair

regularly so that the scalp can stay moisturized all the time.

Follow all these steps and you will have a healthy hair all your life.

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